Deleted files and manipulated a new set

 I accidentally deleted a folder contained our photos with the sign then I worked on Photoshop, manipulated photos. I really enjoy doing this with my simple skill. You could notice the part which I did not clear off so well. 😹 I just saw them now.

source photos and I grabbed the sign from my video

enjoy created Youtube banners

 I enjoy created my Youtube banner. I have been created many years and many of them were ok but not really satisfied as my skill could not figured out to fix what I wanted to be. This is the one I just created this morning (Oct14,2023). It was the pictures of Palm Springs California ; Slab City, Mt. San Jacinto, Tahquitz Canyon and the one me with my husband was Alaska cruise. It was fun and enjoy adding photos together. I would like to blend text with the rock but I could not figure how. 😹